Posts Tagged ‘Protective filter’

Why use a UV Filter?

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Whether you should use a UV filter on your camera's lens or not is probably one of the most often discussed subjects among keen photographers. Some say that they use them all time as it helps protect the lens. Others say that they never use them as they degrade image quality. The truth actually lies somewhere in between these two conflicting points of view.

Why use a UV Filter?

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

July 11th, 2013 at 8:05 am

Cheap alternatives to expensive camera filters

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There are a wide range of different photographic filters available. These filters usually screw on to the end of your camera's lens, and alter the image in some way. There are filters for darkening the sky, filters for cutting down on the light level, and filters for changing the color of an image.

But some of these filters can be quite expensive, so in this article I want to look at some cheap alternatives. Of course the alternatives aren't as convenient or as high quality as a proper camera filter. But if you can't afford the full price of a proper filter, a cheap alternative may well do the job.

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