Posts Tagged ‘TTL flash’

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash: Off-camera use

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While speedlight flash is great for on-camera use, giving you a more powerful flash with bounce capability, speedlights open up even more lighting possibilities when used off-camera. In this article we'll look at some of the different trigger methods speedlights may include that allow you to use them off-camera.

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash - Part 6: Off-camera use

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

March 6th, 2016 at 5:00 pm

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash: Exposure modes

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Continuing on from the first article on choosing a speedlight flash, in this article we'll look at the various exposure modes available on different speedlight models. Some speedlights will feature all of these modes, others just one.

By understanding the different exposure modes, you can see which one(s) will be most useful, or even essential, for your photography, and ensure that any speedlight you consider features that mode.

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash - Part 2: Exposure modes

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

February 7th, 2016 at 7:19 am

Off-camera Flash Trigger Options

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Using off-camera flashguns (often called speedlights or speedlites) can get you some great dynamic lighting that would be difficult to create any other way.

Dog portrait photographed using off camera flash
Presenting: Abby! by ryantron. on flickr (licensed CC-BY-ND)

There are a number of different ways that you can get your camera to trigger the flashes when you press the shutter. Some are basic and cheap, while others are more advanced and expensive. Let's look at the different options, their benefits and disadvantages:

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What is TTL Flash?

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TTL stands for Through The Lens, and refers to the camera metering the exposure through the lens, rather than using an external light meter. The exposure meter reading is used by the camera when determining the aperture and/or shutter speed in any auto exposure mode.

Virtually all cameras made today use TTL metering. A TTL flash means that the output of the flash can be set automatically by the camera, based on the camera's TTL metering system.

TTL mode on flash speed light
TTL mode on flash speed light

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

March 10th, 2012 at 10:30 am