Posts Tagged ‘speedlights’

Off-camera Flash Trigger Options

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Using off-camera flashguns (often called speedlights or speedlites) can get you some great dynamic lighting that would be difficult to create any other way.

Dog portrait photographed using off camera flash
Presenting: Abby! by ryantron. on flickr (licensed CC-BY-ND)

There are a number of different ways that you can get your camera to trigger the flashes when you press the shutter. Some are basic and cheap, while others are more advanced and expensive. Let's look at the different options, their benefits and disadvantages:

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The Budget Pro Lighting Kit

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Author: Andy Lim

Not everyone can afford, or need, the most expensive kit when it comes to lighting. As a matter of fact, small and portable lighting kits make a photographer's work even more efficient. Here's a selection of tools to help you assemble your lighting kit even with the smallest of budgets.

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Written by Andy Lim

June 20th, 2011 at 3:59 pm