Posts Tagged ‘RAW conversion’

How to choose Photography Software

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There are a large number of different software packages available aimed at photographers. Deciding which one is right for you can be a tricky business. Different software is good at different things, and the right software for you may not be the right software for another photographer.

So, I'm not going to tell you what the best photography software is, as that depends on you and your workflow. But in this article I'll cover the main points you should consider when looking at photography programs. This will help you evaluate what features are most important for you and which aren't needed, so you can make a more informed choice when deciding what software to go for.

How to choose Photography Software

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

August 7th, 2016 at 10:38 am

Can’t open RAW image files from your new camera?

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I've written before about the various advantages shooting RAW files with your camera has compared to shooting JPEGs. However, there is one big problem with RAW files that you are most likely to come across when you purchase a new camera.

This problem is that most camera manufacturers use a proprietary RAW format, and they change the file format with each new camera they release. This means that if your photo editing software is not up to date, then it won't be able to open the images as it doesn't understand the new format. In this article we'll look at this problem and how you can get round it.

Can't open RAW image files from your new camera?

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

February 8th, 2015 at 3:13 pm

Is it possible to post-process photos automatically?

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Post processing describes the act of editing a photo. Making adjustments to the color, contrast, sometimes to the crop. In fact the adjustments that can be made are practically limitless. It is known as post processing since it is carried out after (post) the image was captured.

i don't know but today seems kinda odd
i don't know but today seems kinda odd by spaceabstract on flickr (licensed CC-BY)

Making adjustments to each image you take might seem like it would take a long time (and depending on the adjustments, it can). So you might be wondering if there is some way to apply post processing to your photos automatically. That would cut down on a lot of work for you. So, is this possible?

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

May 3rd, 2013 at 3:50 pm