Posts Tagged ‘Image manipulation’

Creating a sunburst sunset poster background in Photoshop

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Recently I was asked to create a poster to advertise an event. As a background image for the poster, I decided I wanted a nice sunset image with sunbeams emanating from the clouds.

Looking at my (rather meager) stock library of cloud photos, I couldn't find anything that looked like what I wanted. But I knew that with a little help from Photoshop I could get the image I was looking for.

So, I thought I'd share how I created the background image for the poster. Hopefully you will find it helpful.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

January 28th, 2013 at 10:46 am

How much image editing is acceptable?

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With digital photography it is quite easy for us to manipulate our photos using image editing software. Some of us make some adjustments to nearly all our photos. This is often known as post processing - processing applied to the photo after it was captured.

But just how much post processing is it 'acceptable' to apply? The answer to this question lies partly in what you yourself are comfortable with, but also what the image is to be used for.

A Little of This a Little of That Processing
A Little of This a Little of That Processing by fauxto_digit on flickr (licensed CC-BY-ND)

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

November 20th, 2012 at 9:35 am