Posts Tagged ‘DIY Product Photography’

Achieving a spotlight effect when photographing products on black plexiglass

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While product photos on a plain white background can work very well for many uses, a black background with the product reflected below can give a more high-end, expensive, look to a product. Photographing the product on sheet of glossy black plexiglass / perspex / acrylic is a relatively cheap way to achieve this look.

A common effect used when photographing a product on black is a spotlight highlighting the product. The brightness of the area around the product compared to the darker edges of the image helps draw the viewer's eye towards the product.

While you might think this effect would be achieved by using a spotlight above or below the product, the technique actually relies on a reflection. In this article we'll look more at how to achieve this effect.

Achieving a spotlight effect when photographing products on black plexiglass

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

December 13th, 2015 at 9:08 am

Product Photography Tips – White subject on a white background

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Photographing a white subject on a white background can be quite tricky, particularly if you are looking for a pure white background. In this article I'll look at a number of ways of achieving a pure white background while keeping the white subject exposed nicely.

Product Photography Tips - White subject on a white background

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

May 11th, 2014 at 7:26 pm

Product Photography Tips 3

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Carrying on from the previous Product Photography Tips article, in this article we'll look at how to photograph a product placed at an angle. Placing your product at an angle works well for flat narrow objects, e.g. mobile phones.

For the example I've used an old penknife, but as I said in the previous article, you should really use a clean, preferably new, product if you really want to showcase it.

Product photo of penknife titled at an angle with highlight in background

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Product photography tips

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Product photography usually involves taking a photo of a single item, with the photo shot so as to focus the viewer's attention on that item, and make the item look at its best. If you have a business selling products, you want to sell something on ebay, or you just want to try product photography for fun, this article will give you some tips on getting good results.

Basic Product Photography Tips

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

May 3rd, 2011 at 8:13 pm