Posts Tagged ‘Backgrounds in photography’

Five things to pay attention to for better photos

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Nowadays everyone is a photographer. I don't mean that in a condescending way, but rather as a matter of fact. The cost of shooting with a digital camera is much less than it was with film, and almost everyone has a camera built into their phone they can use.

A lot of people like to just point and shoot with their cameras. And there's nothing wrong with that. But with just a little bit of knowledge and effort they could be capturing much better images than they take at the moment.

In this article I'm going to look at five things people often don't pay attention to when taking a photo. But by paying attention to these things, you can easily end up with a much better photo than a simple point and shoot image that had no thought put into it.

Five things to pay attention to for better photos

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

August 23rd, 2015 at 7:47 pm

5 More Simple Tips to Improve your Photography

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Continuing on from the previous article 5 Simple Tips to Improve Your Photography, here are five more tips that are simple to implement. Thinking about these things before you press the shutter button can help you produce a stronger composition that really holds the viewer's attention.

5 More Simple Tips to Improve your Photography

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Product Photography Tips – White subject on a white background

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Photographing a white subject on a white background can be quite tricky, particularly if you are looking for a pure white background. In this article I'll look at a number of ways of achieving a pure white background while keeping the white subject exposed nicely.

Product Photography Tips - White subject on a white background

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

May 11th, 2014 at 7:26 pm

Photography Basics – The Background

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One of the most important elements of a photograph is often the one that is the most frequently overlooked. The background of an image can do many things - it can help establish context for the image, add emotion or feeling and strengthen the narrative of the picture. When taking pictures, it's important to know how your background will impact your picture and how you can use it to your advantage.

Niger Portrait
Niger Portrait by etrenard on flickr (licensed CC-BY-SA)

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