Posts Tagged ‘Photography lighting equipment’

Cheap alternatives to expensive photography gear

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Photography can be an expensive business. Never mind the cost of the cameras and lenses, even photography accessories are often expensive. Thankfully, for many photography accessories there are cheaper alternatives available.

They might not look so good, and might not even work as well. But if they can do 90% of the job for 10% of the price, they can be very handy if you can't afford to shell out for the 'proper' product. It can also be a good idea to try out a cheap version of an accessory, to see how useful it actually is for your photography, before you decide to splash out on the full price model.

So, in this post, we'll look at a few different cheap alternatives to popular photography equipment.

Cheap alternatives to expensive photography gear

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

May 1st, 2016 at 8:45 pm

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash: HSS, rear sync, and stroboscope

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In this final article on choosing a speedlight flash, we'll look at two flash modes that aren't used a great deal, but can come in very useful when looking for creative shots. And we'll also cover a mode that isn't used a great deal, and is unlikely to come in useful, but can be fun to play with, and is worth knowing about.

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash - Part 8: High Speed Sync, Rear sync, and Stroboscope

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

March 20th, 2016 at 3:53 pm

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash: Build quality & compatibility

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Often when people compare products, they look at just the features and price. But it's important to also consider build quality and compatibility. There's no point saving money on a flash if it turns out to be unreliable, or breaks down after a couple of months. Similarly, a bargain flash is no bargain if it won't work with your camera properly.

In this article we'll look at the issues of build quality and compatibility, and why you should definitely consider these when deciding which flashgun to buy.

What to look for when buying a Speedlight Flash - Part 7: Build quality & compatibility

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

March 13th, 2016 at 9:25 am

Studio Lighting Equipment – The Most Common Types of Lights

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With so many types of lights and the infinite number of setup combinations, studio lighting could be the subject of a book. In fact, there are several books dedicated to just that. However, if you're interested in investing in some studio lighting equipment, there are a few basic things that every photographer should know.

With a good set of basic lighting tools, you should be able to shoot in most types of situations and subjects. Here is a run down on the most common types of studio lighting.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

December 8th, 2012 at 10:10 am