Posts Tagged ‘Food photography techniques’

Flat Lay Photography Guide

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Flat Lay Photography is a style of photography where a group of items are photographed from above, giving a top down view. Items are laid flat on the surface, facing the camera.

Flat lay photographs often have a minimalist aesthetic to them. They work well for showing off a collection of smallish objects and are most commonly used for lifestyle, product & food photography. Sometimes all the items in the photo will be of equal importance. But often there is one main element (such as a food dish or handbag) with extra elements that add to the story (such as ingredients or accessories).

Although flat lay photographs may appear relatively simple, there's more to a good flat image than just laying out a few objects then shooting down on them. In this article we'll look at some tips for creating great flat lay photos.

Flat Lay Photography Guide

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

July 3rd, 2016 at 2:47 pm

Food Photography – Tricks of the Trade

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Author: Neil S Adams

Food photography is a skill that takes years to master. While it may seem like it is easy just to arrange some food on a plate, take a few photos and then (best of all) eat it afterward, what actually goes into a food photography shoot is quite the contrary.

Food photography takes time, careful planning and a healthy dose of creative vision, which is why professional food photographers generally don't go it alone. Nowadays they will have a team working with them to help create those wonderful images, including a food stylist, creative director and a props assistant.

Food Styling
Food Styling by Rina Laxa on flickr (licensed CC-BY)

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Written by Guest

April 21st, 2011 at 5:00 am