Posts Tagged ‘Natural light photography tips’

Five things to pay attention to for better photos

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Nowadays everyone is a photographer. I don't mean that in a condescending way, but rather as a matter of fact. The cost of shooting with a digital camera is much less than it was with film, and almost everyone has a camera built into their phone they can use.

A lot of people like to just point and shoot with their cameras. And there's nothing wrong with that. But with just a little bit of knowledge and effort they could be capturing much better images than they take at the moment.

In this article I'm going to look at five things people often don't pay attention to when taking a photo. But by paying attention to these things, you can easily end up with a much better photo than a simple point and shoot image that had no thought put into it.

Five things to pay attention to for better photos

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

August 23rd, 2015 at 7:47 pm

Tips for photographing in cloudy and overcast weather

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The vast majority of us greatly prefer bright sunny days to dull overcast days. And the majority of people would likely think that sunny weather is better for photography than dreary overcast weather.

While that is correct in some cases, for many types of photography, overcast and cloudy weather is actually preferable to sunny. In this article I'll go over why overcast weather can be useful for better photos, some of the problems it can cause, and how to work around these issues.

Tips for photographing in cloudy and overcast weather

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

June 28th, 2015 at 6:53 pm

Summer Photography Tips

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Summer can be a bit of a paradox in terms of its suitability for photography. In one aspect it's great for photography - it's nice weather for going out, there's often lots happening to photograph, and there's plenty of light.

On the other hand, the sun spends a lot of the day high up in the sky, creating harsh lighting and strong shadows. The light is very contrasty and capturing an image with detail in both the shadows and highlights can be nigh-on impossible.

In this article I want to look at how you can deal with the problems of photographing in the summer. I'll also look at some of the good points of summer photography compared to other times of the year.

Summer Photography Tips

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Natural Light Photography Tips

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Photography is all about capturing light, and natural light from the sun is the most often used main light source in photography. However, natural light can vary quite considerably depending on a variety of factors.

For best results, it is important to understand how natural light is affected by these different factors, and in turn how this will affect a photo captured in that light. This is what I want to look at in this article.

Composite of three images taken under different natural lighting conditions
Combination of three images taken in different natural lighting conditions: left - direct sunlight; middle - sunlight through thin cloud; right - overcast. Note the difference in shadows between each image.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

January 5th, 2014 at 8:46 am