Posts Tagged ‘Forest photography’

Photographing in dappled light

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Dappled light is often found in woodland, or any time you are shooting under tree cover. As the light from the sun comes down through the trees, it gets broken into areas of light and shadow by the leaves. Depending on how dense the foliage is, the leaves can act like lenses, making spots of out of focus light on the forest floor.

There are a couple of issues when photographing in dappled light that can be difficult to deal with. The first is that the difference in tone between the shadow and highlight areas can be very large. This results in photos where the highlight areas are blown out and overexposed. The other issue is that the uneven pattern of dappled light typically doesn't work well for portraits. In this article we'll look at how you can overcome these issues.

Photographing in dappled light

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Mountain Photography Tips

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Mountains can make for some great photos, whether they're snow-capped, bare rock, or covered in green foliage. For most of us, we don't regularly get the chance to see or walk up mountains. So when we do get to photograph in a mountain range, we want our shots to look as good as possible and really capture the splendor of the mountain. In this article I'll share some tips that will hopefully help you do just that.

Mountain Photography Tips

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

March 2nd, 2014 at 4:01 pm