Posts Tagged ‘Photographer’s block’

Six tips for overcoming Creative Block

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It happens to everyone. Sometimes you just don't have the motivation to pick up your camera and go out and shoot. Or maybe the motivation is partly there, but you just can't seem to get a good photo. All your shots are looking staid, boring, and lacking that creative oomph.

Don't worry, creative block is something that everyone experiences. It's perfectly normal. What matters is how you deal with it - do you give up or work through the difficult period? In this article I'll share some tips that will hopefully help you work through your block and get your creative juices flowing again.

Six tips for overcoming Creative Block

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

June 21st, 2015 at 9:18 pm

How to take great photos of boring subjects

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Most of us don't live in areas surrounded by beautiful vistas. We don't have a list of models (or willing friends / family) that are happy to pose for use whenever we feel like some portrait photography. And you might feel that you don't really have anything interesting around you worth photographing at all.

While a beautiful location or model can make getting a great photo easier, they're certainly not essential. In this article we'll look at taking great photos of boring subjects.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

April 27th, 2013 at 9:52 am

Stuck in a photography rut? – How to clear photographer’s block

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It happens to even the best of us, sometimes we just lack the motivation to photograph. Or maybe you still take photos every now and then, but they just don't seem to work.

Thankfully photographer's block can be cured quite easily. Here are a few tips to help you get out of your photographic rut and back to taking great photos.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

August 25th, 2012 at 12:08 pm