Posts Tagged ‘Monochrome photography’

Black & White photography tips

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Black & White photography is similar in many ways to color photography, but also different. Both are about capturing light, and the majority of compositional rules apply to both color and black and white photography. But with black white photography, we must rely of differences in tone, rather than color when capturing the image.

Barn in the snow B&W landscape photo
Barn by Jyrki Salmi on flickr (licensed CC-BY-SA)

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

March 4th, 2011 at 5:09 am

The Origins Of Black And White Photography

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Author: Derek Rogers

Black and white photography is a number of monochrome forms in visual art. Monochrome comes from the Greek monochromos meaning "of one colour", which is a combination of monos, meaning "alone" or "solitary" and chroma meaning "colour".

Quite basic when you break it down!

Church, Taos Pueblo by Ansel Adams (1942)
Church, Taos Pueblo by Ansel Adams (1942)

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Written by Guest

January 21st, 2011 at 5:00 am