Posts Tagged ‘lens’

Is this the most Powerful Photography Technique?

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For many years photographers have used depth of field control as a tool to focus viewers' attention within their work. It seems recently we have forgotten how to use this incredibly effective technique. Learn how to use this properly and your photography will take on a new dimension.

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Written by Robin Whalley

August 21st, 2011 at 3:12 pm

Take a huge step forward with your photography

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Would you be interested if I told you there was simple technique that could literally transform your photography? Take your work to a completely new level. This may sound far fetched but it does exist. The problem is that it's so deceptively simple most people ignore it. Here's how you can use this technique for yourself.

Fall leaves
A Broader View by ~Minnea~ on flickr (licensed CC-BY-SA)

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Written by Robin Whalley

June 26th, 2011 at 9:35 pm

Photographic Filters – The Ins and Outs

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In the good old days of film photography the only way to achieve many effects on your photos was with the use of specialized glass (or plastic) filters, fitted to the front (or in some cases slotted into the rear) of camera lenses prior to taking the photo. Fortunately in the modern digital world some of these filters are still used and while many of the old effects can be reproduced in a digital darkroom, others still require the photographer to do the work prior to post processing.

Photographic Filters – The Ins and Outs

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