Posts Tagged ‘how to start a photography business’

Commercial Photography – How to Shoot for Magazines

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With the explosion of digital photography, it has created a lot of opportunities in photography that once were not available to anyone but professional photographers. This explosion of new photographers has helped to broaden the market for both publications and photographers themselves, creating new sources of images and new places to sell them. But as a new photographer it may seem challenging to get started so let's take a look at the world of magazine photography.

Photos published in magazine
4-19-12: Published by Lost Albatross on flickr (licensed CC-BY-ND)

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Photography Business Tips And Ideas To Start A Successful Photography Business

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Author: Dan Feildman

If you have the knack of originality and a proficient hand at handling digital equipments, starting your own photography business would not be a mean feat for you. However, possessing excellent technical and photography skills do not qualify you as a business person capable of sustaining your own photography business.

To commence your own new photography business successfully, you need to have prior knowledge on the legal, financial and management aspects of it. Here are a few tips on starting your new photography business.

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Written by Guest

February 8th, 2011 at 5:00 am