Posts Tagged ‘Becoming a professional photographer’

3 Things I Thought I Knew About Photo Marketing and Becoming a Professional Photographer – WRONG!

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Author: Dan Eitreim

Back when I first decided on becoming a professional photographer and get involved with photo marketing on a full time basis, I thought - foolishly - that all I had to do was practice and study all the latest techniques for creating stunning images! Then, once I learned to consistently do brilliant work, my career as a professional photographer would be more or less cast in stone.

Boy was I wrong! If you want to earn great money in photo marketing (I've lost count of how many $1000 days I've had) by becoming a professional photographer and working in the career of your dreams - here are 3 vital things you NEED to know. BTW - you can and should start part time!

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Written by Guest

August 10th, 2012 at 7:04 pm