Posts Tagged ‘Overcast sky for photography’

Tips for photographing in cloudy and overcast weather

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The vast majority of us greatly prefer bright sunny days to dull overcast days. And the majority of people would likely think that sunny weather is better for photography than dreary overcast weather.

While that is correct in some cases, for many types of photography, overcast and cloudy weather is actually preferable to sunny. In this article I'll go over why overcast weather can be useful for better photos, some of the problems it can cause, and how to work around these issues.

Tips for photographing in cloudy and overcast weather

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

June 28th, 2015 at 6:53 pm

Midday photography tips

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Taking photos around midday is often shunned by many photographers. Certainly it is more difficult to get nice photos at midday than it is around sunset or sunrise, but this doesn't mean you can't get great shots at this time of day as well.

The main problem with photographing at midday is the harsh overhead light of the sun. This causes strong highlights and shadows, and can be particularly unflattering for portraits. There are still plenty of photo opportunities about though.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

February 19th, 2013 at 1:38 pm