Posts Tagged ‘Straight horizon’

Avoid these 5 mistakes in your photography

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We all make mistakes on a regular basis. And if no-one's ever told you that you're doing something wrong, you might continue making the same mistake over and over again without even realizing it's a mistake. In this article I'll cover five mistakes you might be making in your photography, explaining why they are problematic, how to avoid them, and how avoiding them can help you get better photos.

Avoid these 5 mistakes in your photography

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

November 29th, 2015 at 10:31 am

How to get a straight horizon in your landscape photographs

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In landscape photography, the vast majority of photos will look better if the horizon is straight. This is particularly true if there is a long flat horizon that we know should be straight, for example the sea or a lake.

In this article we'll look at how you can make sure the horizon is straight when taking a photo, and also how to fix an existing photo with a crooked horizon.

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Written by Discover Digital Photography

November 17th, 2012 at 1:56 pm