Posts Tagged ‘Clean photography equipment’

10 non-essential but useful accessories for your camera bag

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Let's be honest, the only 'essential' for your camera bag is a camera with lens attached. Everything else is just an extra, something that makes your life as a photographer that bit easier, or gives you more creative options.

In this article we'll look at a range of accessories that can be very useful to have in your camera bag. You're unlikely to want to carry all of them with you all the time. Some of the accessories are more suited to some styles of photography than others. But you might want to consider them when packing your bag for a specific shoot.

Just remember that while taking more accessories with you gives you added flexibility, it also adds more weight to your bag. While many of the accessories discussed here are small and light, you should still think carefully about the actual likelihood that you'll need an accessory before packing it.

10 non-essential but useful accessories for your camera bag

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Give your photography gear a Spring clean

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With Spring underway, you might be thinking about doing some Spring cleaning around the house. As well as the house, how about giving your photography gear a spring clean? You could also think of it like an annual service.

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